So far, I have placed over seven hundred marked turbo seashells in the coastal forest for hermit crabs in need. The shells are marked and numbered with the hashtag #mts4n ( Make The Switch For Nature ). Hopefully, labeling the surface of the seashells will prevent poachers, beachcombers, and anglers from taking them.
Hermit crabs are a national living monument species of Japan. Collecting them is against the law. Take photos only!
What to do if you find a #MTS4N or #MILLER shell:
- Take a photograph of the Hermit crab in its natural habitat
- Enjoy the moment and do not harass it
- Share on social media and tag #mts4n
- These occupied shells are not collectibles; do not take them
The Mission of the Make the Switch 4 Nature (MTS4N) Hermit Crab Conservation project is to spread joy, inspire change, and save lives

What to do if you find a hermit crab adapting with plastic
- Take a photograph of the hermit crab in its original habitat
- Leave the hermit crab alone and do not harass it
- Send me a DM with the exact beach location
- I will place empty shells in the coastal forest for the hermit crabs

Have you ever taken an empty seashell from the beach? I am guilty. Most people don’t realize that they are taking the potential home of a hermit crab.
Did you know that hermit crabs are not born with shells?
As hermit crabs grow, they depend on various empty shells as their homes. Hermit crabs do not make their own shells; instead, they use discarded shells from marine snails that wash ashore. They also adapt by using land snail shells found in the coastal forest. If you are a shell collector, please return all unwanted shells to the coastline. #taketrashnothomes

It’s crucial to protect these beautiful creatures for future generations. Hermit crabs play an essential role in the coastal ecosystem. Hermit crabs do not belong in cages; please leave them in their natural habitat.

2024 has been a busy year for hermit crab poaching. In April and May, we found many traps in the coastal forest. If you see any suspicious activity, please call the local police.

Hermit crabs do not belong in a cage. Let’s keep wild crabs wild.

Please help me make a difference by supporting the #MST4N Hermit Crab Conservation Project. Please check out my Patreon page, MakeTheSwitch4Nature. I will collect a bucket full of marine debris for every supporting member. Our waste is a massive problem on our beautiful shorelines.

Do you have any seashells collecting dust at home? If so, consider giving them back to nature. #taktrashnothomes
- The Mission of the #MTS4N conservation project is to spread joy, inspire change, and save lives.
Click on the donation link below to help fund Shawn’s conservation projects.