Zerocare MTS4N 282 – Trading Plastic for Shells

Meet Zerocare, A blueberry hermit crab found adapting with a discarded plastic twist top cap.

zerocare hermit crabs and twist top cap

The hermit crab was offered an assortment of shells. Zerocare made the switch into the donated seashell ” Zerocare MTS4N 282 ”

I photographed the shy hermit crab in its new home, then released it back into the wild. Happy Crab – Happy Home!

I now keep all the twist top caps that were used by hermit crabs. I currently have 105 caps that have been traded for shells ( #MTS4N Trading Plastic 4 Shells Collection )

plastic caps used by hermit crabs

As you can see our trash is a serious problem on our shorelines. Some organizations are doing great things making a difference but it’s not enough, We must all work together worldwide and attack this problem. We all have the ability to make a difference by reducing the amount of single-use items we use daily. Change can be difficult but I challenge you to make the switch 4 nature.

Would you like to give back to nature? Please support our Hermit Crab Conservation Project. MakeTheSwitch4Nature

Listen to podcast 753 Interview, discussing the hermit crab conservation project. Martin Bailey Photography

Thank you ZEROCARE for your support, You are making a difference by providing sustainable options and Protecting Our Oceans. Keep up the Great work!

Do you have any seashells collecting dust at home? if so, consider donating them to the #MTS4N Project

Please consider making a small donation to support the mission

Have an Awesome day! Shawn Miller

It Will Get Better Mts4n #412 – Trading plastic 4 Shells

Meet Mustard, A blueberry hermit crab found adapting with a discarded marker cap.

A friend called to inform me she found a hermit crab ( mustard ) adapting with plastic. I grabbed some empty shells, the #mts4n bucket and drove down to a local beach in Yomitan village. We placed Mustard into the bucket and within fifteen minutes he made the switch.

Mustard made the switch into donated shell ” MTS4N #412 It will get better ” which is part of the positive carving series.

I photographed the hermit crab in its new home, then released it back into the wild. Happy Crab-Happy Home!

I keep all the twist top caps that were used by hermit crabs. I currently have 105 caps that have been traded for shells.

hermit crabs plastic cap collection

As you can see our trash is a serious problem on our shorelines. Some organizations are doing great things making a difference but it’s not enough, We must all work together worldwide and attack this problem. We all have the ability to make a difference by reducing the amount of single-use items we use daily. Change can be difficult but I challenge you to make the switch 4 nature.

Would you like to give back to nature? Consider making a contribution to support my mission in Hermit Crab Conservation MakeTheSwitch4Nature

Listen to podcast 753 Interview, discussing the hermit crab conservation project. Martin Bailey Photography

Do you have any seashells collecting dust at home? if so, consider donating them to the #MTS4N Project.

Have a great day! Shawn Miller

MTS4N 434 So Shire – Trading plastic 4 Shells

Meet Brittle Bob, A blueberry hermit crab found adapting with a discarded plastic twist top cap.

Crabs with plastic homes

The hermit crab was offered an assortment of shells. Brittle Bob made the switch into the donated seashell ” So Shire MTS4N 434 ”

I photographed the shy hermit crab in its new home, then released it back into the wild. Happy Crab – Happy Home!

I now keep all the twist top caps that were used by hermit crabs. I currently have 105 caps that have been traded for shells ( #MTS4N Collection )

As you can see our trash is a serious problem on our shorelines. Some organizations are doing great things making a difference but it’s not enough, We must all work together worldwide and attack this problem. We all have the ability to make a difference by reducing the amount of single-use items we use daily. Change can be difficult but I challenge you to make the switch 4 nature.

Okinawa beach trash

Interview with Kelly Meyer – Hermit Crab Conservation Project, Okinawa

Would you like to give back to nature? Consider making a contribution to support my mission in Hermit Crab Conservation MakeTheSwitch4Nature

Listen to podcast 753 Interview, discussing the hermit crab conservation project. Martin Bailey Photography

Thank you So Shire for your support, You are doing great providing sustainable options and Protecting Our Oceans. Keep up the Great work!

Do you have any seashells collecting dust at home? if so, consider donating them to the #MTS4N Project, Have a great day!

Trading plastic for shells by Shawn Miller

How many times have you picked up an empty seashell and brought it home? Most people don’t realize that they are taking a potential mobile home. As hermit crabs grow larger they have to upgrade their mobile home. They are constantly searching for larger seashells. No shells, then the hermits will adapt with plastic twist tops, plugs, and even broken bottles. Over collecting seashells is a contributing factor.

Take trash not crab homes

” Trading Plastic for Shells ” Every hermit crab found adapting with trash receives a proper seashell home. They get a better home and I keep the plastic. So far I have a nice collection of plastic.

Shawn Miller - plastic collection
Trading plastic for shells collection

In 2020, Tony Choi ( hermit crab specialist ) recommended that I place empty seashells on the shorelines. He explained that Taiwan has the same issue with over-collecting. Tony sent me the first shell donation and after that more people starting making kind contributions. I engraved numbers on all the shells. Hopefully, this will prevent beachcombers and fishermen from taking the shells.

Carving with the Dremel tool by Shawn Miller
Trading plastic for shells

Below is a large land hermit crab ( Coenobita cavipes ) I found using a plastic PVC 90-degree elbow as a protective home. Yomitan Village, Okinawa.

How do I get the crabs to swap? I bring a bucket with an assortment of native shells with me on my beach hikes. The hermit crabs are placed in the bucket and make the switch on their own. They get a better home and I keep the plastic. #Maketheswitch4nature

The land hermit crab made the switch into a donated tapestry shell (Miller #23). Hermit crabs do not prefer plastic, they are just adapting to what is available.

If you would like to see video footage of the hermit crabs making the switch from plastic to seashell check out MakeTheSwitch4Nature

” Trading plastic for shells ” Before and after examples

This post is not to make people sad, guilty, or lose hope, It is to bring awareness to the ongoing trash problem in our oceans and on our shorelines. Hopefully, these images will inspire people to change.

My Mission: To Protect and Preserve the Wildlife of the Ryukyu Islands for Future Generations

If you would like to help me make a difference Please check out my Patreon Site

Your donations will help worldwide conservation initiatives as well as bringing solutions to the worldwide pollution issues on our beautiful shorelines.  Thank you for your support. Shawn M Miller.

Hermit crabs living in plastic tubes by Shawn Miller

One of my favorite things to do is to go beachcombing after typhoons.  Over the years, I have seen a significant increase in the amount of marine debris washed ashore.  The trash is from all over the world, but the majority of it washes up from Korea, China, and Japan

The resourceful hermit crabs take full advantage of plastic tubes and twist top caps. They move into this valuable real estate and use it as a protective mobile home until they find a better option.

Hermit Crabs prefer to live in a natural seashell. Due to a decline in the number of seashells, the hermit crabs have to adapt with our trash to survive. Below are photographs of hermit crabs found naturally adapting with the plastic tubing.

Lucky was the first hermit crab I photographed adapting with plastic tubing. (2014)

The long plastic tubing slows down their movement. Not the ideal mobile home for a hermit crab.

Sometimes I find them living in clear plastic. Over time the plastic turns yellow and becomes brittle. Eventually, it will break up into microplastic.

Every hermit crab found adapting with our waste receives a new home (seashell). I bring a bucket with an assortment of shells with me on my beach hikes. The hermit crabs are placed in the bucket and make the switch. They get a better home and I keep the plastic.

Make the switch for nature

I was surprised to find this small blueberry hermit crab using a jump rope handle as a mobile home. The crab switched into a tapestry turban shell (mts4n #29) immediately.

The hermit crab is one of the few animals that can successfully adapt with our waste. If you would like to learn more about hermit crabs adapting with our waste please check out my post on “Crabs With Beach Trash Homes” by Shawn M Miller.

This post is not to make people sad, guilty, or lose hope, It is to bring awareness to the ongoing trash problem in our oceans and on our shorelines. Hopefully, these images will inspire people to change.

My Mission: To Document and Preserve the Wildlife of the Ryukyu Islands. – If you would like to join my journey, check out my Patreon

Your donations will help worldwide conservation initiatives as well as bringing solutions to the worldwide pollution issues on our beautiful shorelines.  Thank you for your support. Shawn M Miller.

Mangrove Forests of Okinawa

Mangrove forests are one of the most threatened ecosystems on the planet. The beautiful forests support a huge diversity of species that humans depend on for survival.

Benefits of Mangrove forests 

  • Provide nursery areas for small fish
  • Provide coastal protection from storms
  • Clean toxins out of the fresh water
  • Reduce carbon dioxide
Mangroves of Senaga Island

Coastal development, rising sea levels, and pollution are the mangrove’s biggest threat. The roots act as nets catching plastic bags, fishing ropes and other marine debris.

Mangrove pollution

Over time the toxic plastic smothers the trees.

Mangrove pollution
Mangrove Pollution

Mangrove roots protect small fish, crustaceans, and sea birds from predators.

Mangrove roots

My two favorite crustaceans of the mangrove mud plats are the Okinawa mud lobster (Thalassina anomala) and the Ryukyu soldier crab (Mictyris guinotae).

(Thalassina anomala)
Mictyris guinotae

Mangroves trees can survive in freshwater and saltwater. They are a valuable ecosystem and must be protected.

Mangrove reflection
Mangrove sunrise

Our waste is having a massive impact on the coastal forests of the Ryukyu Islands. This post is not to make people feel guilty or lose hope. It is to inspire people to change. Make The Switch 4 Nature!

Iriomote coastal mangrove forest

My Mission: To Protect and Preserve the Wildlife of the Ryukyu Islands for Future Generations. – If you would like to join my journey, check out my Patreon

Your donations will help conservation initiatives as well as bring solutions to the worldwide pollution issues on our beautiful shorelines. Thank you for your support, Shawn M Miller.


Fish Populations Decline At Maeda Point – Not A Good Sign!

I originally got SCUBA certified at Maeda Misaki in 1992. I have seen this popular snorkeling location drastically change over the years with the increase in tourism. Meada point is now a high traffic area, literally thousands of people enter the water on a given weekend.
Maeda misaki diving

Maeda misaki diving

If you have ever been to maeda point you have seen the beautiful schools of Teira batfish (Platax teira). In the late 90’s there were massive schools of hundreds of these beautiful fish. Below is an old photograph I found in my photo album. This was a common site back in the 90’s.

Teira batfish at Maeda misaki

In 2017, I noticed that populations started declining.

Schools of batfish

2018-2019, I started seeing numbers decline to less than twenty individuals. July 2019, I went to the same location on three different days and didn’t see any batfish.

Wide angle macro

These fish are a huge tourist attraction. What could have caused the decline of the batfish populations? Possible reasons for decline:
  • Feeding the batfish man-made products
  • Noise pollution from an increase in boat traffic
  • Moved on to a safer location
  • Overfishing
  • Contaminates entering the water – sunblock, shampoo, perfume and urine

Fu (wheat gluten)

In the past, guides would feed the fish sausage and bread. In recent years many local companies switched over to Fu (wheat gluten). It’s much cheeper than fish sausage.  Kilos of Fu enter the water for fish consumption on a given week at Maeda point. Could this gluten based product be good for the fish? Why you should not feed wild animals:
  • Interfere’s with their natural diet and feeding cycle
  • Makes the fish more vulnarable to predators
  • Reef algae overgrowth due to the fish being full
  • Increase’s your chance of getting bitten
Sometimes, I see plastic bags filled will remnants of fish food floating on the surface of the water. With the increase in tourism, I am finding more trash left behind at Maeda Point. This is a photograph I took recently at Maeda point. A collector urchin (Tripneustes gratilla) is covering up with discarded sausage wrapper.  

collector urchin

This is one of my favorite photographs taken at Maeda Point.

Beautiful bat-fish

Hopefully the teira batfish populations are not a blur left behind.

Fading away

My Mission: To Protect and Preserve the Wildlife of the Ryukyu Islands for Future Generations

If you would like to help me make a difference Please check out my Patreon Site

Your donations will help conservation initiatives as well as bring solutions to the worldwide pollution issues on our beautiful shorelines.  Thank you for your support, Shawn M Miller.


Bottle Cap Challenge – No Kicking Just Picking!

The bottle cap challenge is a viral trend started by martial artist Farabi Davletchin. He was the first person to perform a precision spin kick and twist off the cap of the bottle using his foot.  In 2017, I started a my own bottle cap challenge. The goal was to see how many twist top caps I could collect in fifteen minutes. Its an exciting challenge and I recommend getting others involved. Make it a friendly competition and document your beach trash finds using the Clean Swell app by Ocean Conservancy.


Over the years, I have seen a significant increase in the amount of marine debris washed ashore. The trash is from all over the world, but majority of it washes up from Korea, China and Japan


Next time your at the beach, take a minute and look around at the amout of single use waste on the beach. How do you feel when you see this waste?


Majority of the plastic bottles/caps that wash ashore become brittle and break down into smaller pieces. The smaller pieces (micro plastics) are harder to find and clean up.


Eventually these smaller pieces make it back into the ocean affecting the wildlife. Marine birds often mistaken and eat this plastic because it looks and smells like their natural diet (ex: fish eggs, crabs and small fish).

IMG_9105Even the marine fish will sometimes eat the plastic, they are attracted by the smell as well.

Hermit crabs are one of the few animals that can successfully adapt with our waste. They  eventually move into this valuable real estate (plastic caps) and use it as a protective mobile home until they find a better option. Below are photographs of hermit crabs found naturally adapting with plastic twist caps.





This popular hermit crab was featured in honor of World Oceans Day 2019 on Stella McCartney’s website. Thank you all for bringing awareness to the plastic pollution problem.


If you would like to learn more about hermit crabs adapting with our waste please check out my post on “Crabs With Beach Trash Homes” by Shawn M Miller.

My Mission: To Protect and Preserve the Wildlife of the Ryukyu Islands for Future Generations. – If you would like to join my journey, check out my Patreon

Your donations will help worldwide conservation initiatives as well as bring solutions to the worldwide pollution issues on our beautiful shorelines.  Thank you for your support.  Shawn M Miller.


World Oceans Day 2019 – Okinawa, Japan

June 8th 2019, is designated as Wold Oceans Day. It’s a day encouraging worldwide awareness and action to protect our environment. We can all do a better job making a difference, our lives depend on it.


I have traveled to many of the outer Islands in the Ryukyu Island chain. Every Island has an abundance of marine debris washed ashore from Japan, China and Korea.  Below are some of the documentation photographs taken on Iheya Island.


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IMG_6769IMG_6760IMG_6905 IMG_6767 IMG_6774


This post is not to make people sad, guilty or lose hope, It is to bring awareness to the ongoing trash problem in our oceans and on our shorelines.

Learn more about making a difference, TEDx talk | Adapting to or Changing Environment by Shawn M Miller

My Mission: To Document and Preserve the Wildlife of the Ryukyu Islands

This site is also designed to help people identify the beautiful animals of Okinawa, basically to serve as an online nature reference guide. If you would like to make a contribution to support my mission, please click on the donation link

Your donations will help worldwide conservation initiatives as well as bring solutions to the worldwide pollution issues on our beautiful shorelines.  Thank you for your support.  Shawn M Miller.


Birding and Plastic Dreams by Shawn Miller

Birding is one of the most popular hobbies for all ages. I find it enjoyable and extremely relaxing. It doesn’t matter where I go on Okinawa, I seem to find beautiful animals and trash. The animals have been forced to live with our single use waste.  Below are some of my documentation photographs of animals surrounded by our waste.


Plastic Okinawa © Shawn Miller


Birding Okinawa © Shawn Miller


Birding Okinawa © Shawn Miller


Birding Okinawa © Shawn Miller

You can see how a bird could accidentally confuse single use plastic for actual fish. Now days, majority of marine birds have some form of plastic inside their stomachs.


Plastic pollution © Shawn Miller

This Gull arrived on Okinawa February 2016 with oil residue on its feathers. It spent most of the day bathing in the salt water trying to shake of the oil.

Black-tailed gull

Birding © Shawn Miller 


Plastic bag © Shawn Miller


Crab trash @Shawn Miller

Jungle crow and plastic

Jungle crow and plastic

Even the endangered Okinawa rail (Gallirallus okinawae) has to deal with our waste.


Okinawa rail (Gallirallus okinawae) © Shawn Miller

Roadside streams are a great place to photograph waterbirds. This may look like a small waterfall but it’s actually a huge piece of plastic, beautiful isn’t it?


Plastic waterfalls © Shawn Miller

This post is not to make people sad, guilty or lose hope, It is to bring awareness to the ongoing trash problem in our oceans and on our shorelines. We all have the ability to make a difference by reducing the amount of single-use items we use daily.


The truth hurts © Shawn Miller

Learn more about making a difference, TEDx talk | Adapting to or Changing Environment by Shawn M Miller

My Mission: To Protect and Preserve the Wildlife of the Ryukyu Islands for Future Generations. – If you would like to join my journey, check out my Patreon

Your donations will help worldwide conservation initiatives as well as bring solutions to the worldwide pollution issues on our beautiful shorelines.  Thank you for your support.  Shawn M Miller.