Due to an underwater volcanic eruption around the Ogasawara Islands, millions of pumice stones washed ashore on the eastern coast of Okinawa. Pumice stones are formed when lava and water mix together. The lightweight stones are abrasive and are mainly used to remove dead skin on the feet. ” take off your shoes and enjoy the walk “

The massive amount of fresh pumice in a confined area gave me a headache. It smelled a little like sulfur to me. The rotting barnacles attached to the stones didn’t help either.

The larger hermit crabs definitely had a hard time crawling over the pumice mounds washed ashore. I wonder how these stones will impact marine life?

The combination of earth, wind, and fire produced some beautiful natural abstracts.

The fresh pumice fluoresced under blue light. I used the Light & Motion Nightsea blue light to create this photograph.

Mission: Protect and Preserve the Wildlife of the Ryukyu Islands for future generations.
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Have a great day! #MTS4N