Hazardous marine life of Okinawa by Shawn Miller

Okinawa offers some of the best snorkeling and scuba-diving in the world. The ocean is filled with vast amounts of marine life only found here. With all recreational hobbies, there are hazards to be concerned with. Okinawa has much hazardous marine life, most of which is located in very shallow water.

Safety first or pay the worst

Safety first or pay the worst – Image taken by  Shannon Fox

Ways to avoid injury

    • Be respectful and avoid harassing, touching, and feeding marine life.
    • Maintain good buoyancy control 
    • Recognize warning signs of aggression
    • Avoid wearing shiny jewelry
    • Wear exposure protection 

The Lionfish is beautiful but a hazardous fish. The spines deliver a painful sting with potent venom injected into the body. The Lionfish is native to this region, so there is no need to try to kill it.

  • First aid: Wash the area with soap and fresh water. Remove foreign material and control any bleeding. Soak the limb in hot water (113 F / 45 C) or use hot packs. Seek immediate medical treatment.
Lion fish ( Pterois volitans)

Lionfish ( Pterois volitans) © Shawn Miller

Most sea urchin injuries are due to people accidentally stepping on them in the shallow surf. Wearing proper footwear decreases your chances of getting injured. 

  • First aid: Remove visible spines. Wash with soap and water. Pain control if needed-hot water  (113 F / 45 C) or use hot packs. Seek medical treatment if spines have entered the joints.
The diadema urchin (Echinothrix diadema)

The Diadema urchin (Echinothrix diadema) © Shawn Miller

Moray eels deliver a vicious bite with razor-sharp teeth. In some cases, the eels latch on and do not let go. Avoid placing hands into holes and feeding the eels.

  • First aid: Control the bleeding and seek medical treatment. Monitor for signs of infection
Moray eel (Gymnothorax flavimarginatus )

Moray eel -Gymnothorax flavimarginatus © Shawn Miller

The crown of thorn starfish has sharply pointed spines that deliver a painful sting. The spines inject venom, which causes extreme pain, discomfort, and possible nausea.  Most injuries occur because divers are cutting up the starfish with a dive knife and a spine accidentally penetrates the hand. The starfish has a purpose in the ecosystem, so leave it alone.

  • First aid: Remove visible spines. Wash with soap and water. Pain control if needed-hot water  (113 F / 45 C) or use hot packs. Seek medical treatment if spines have entered the joints.
The crown-of-thorns starfish, Acanthaster planci

The crown-of-thorns starfish, Acanthaster planci © Shawn Miller


Coral moderators - COT'S

Coral moderators – COT’S © Shawn Miller

The blue-ringed octopus is one of the most beautiful marine animals. It is only the size of a golf ball but is extremely venomous if bitten. Avoid picking up this shallow-water octopus.

  • First aid: Wash the area with soap and fresh water. Apply pressure and limit your movement.  Immediate medical treatment. Monitor ABC’s
Blue Ringed Octopus (Hapalochlaena lunulata)

Blue Ringed Octopus (Hapalochlaena lunulata) © Shawn Miller

Fire coral are calcareous hydrozoans that deliver a painful sting. Avoid touching or rubbing against it.

  • First aid: Rinse with vinegar. Remove foreign matter. Wash area with salt waterPain control if needed-hot water (113 F / 45 C) or use hot packs.Seek medical treatment if infection occurs.
Fire coral ( Millepora sp)

Fire coral ( Millepora sp) © Shawn Miller



Fire coral ( Millepora sp) © Shawn Miller



Fire coral nematocysts © Shawn Miller

The reef stonefish is the most venomous fish found in Okinawa. It is truly a master of camouflage. The Stonefish resembles a rock blending into the coral reef. The spines deliver a painful sting with potent venom injected into the body

  • First aid: Wash the area with soap and fresh water. Remove foreign material and control any bleeding. Soak limb in hot water (113 F / 45 C) or use hot packs. Seek immediate medical treatment immediately.
Stone-zilla -huge stonefish

Stone-zilla -huge stonefish © Shawn Miller


Reef stonefish ( synanceia verrucosa ) Sunabe, Okinawa

Reef stonefish ( synanceia verrucosa ) © Shawn Miller

The reef stonefish buried under the sand!

Reef stonefish ( synanceia verrucosa ) under sand

Reef stonefish ( synanceia verrucosa )  Sand dweller © Shawn Miller

Cone shells are sought after by many shell collectors for their beauty. The marine snail injects potent venom with a harpoon-shaped tooth.

  • First aid: Wash the area with soap and fresh water. Apply pressure and limit your movement.  Immediate medical treatment. Monitor ABC’s

Princely cone hunting – Proboscis out © Shawn Miller


Geographic cone (Gastridium geographus

Geographic cone (Gastridium geographus) © Shawn Miller


Textile cone shell -  (Cylindrus textile textile)

Textile cone shell (Cylindrus textile textile) © Shawn Miller


Darioconus omaria © Shawn Miller

Darioconus omaria © Shawn Miller

The most dangerous cone shells of Okinawa are found in shallow water

Venomous cones shells of Okinawa

Venomous cones shells of Okinawa © Shawn Miller

The scorpion fish is another master of camouflage. The spines deliver a painful sting with strong venom injected into the body. These fish usually warn you of their presence by flaring out their fins and spines.

  • First aid: Wash the area with soap and fresh water. Remove foreign material and control any bleeding. Soak limb in hot water (113 F / 45 C) or use hot packs. Seek immediate medical treatment.
Reef Scorpionfish (Scorpaenopsis Cirrhosa)

Reef Scorpionfish (Scorpaenopsis Cirrhosa) © Shawn Miller

Stinging hydroids (fireweeds) are common in Okinawa. They are all avoidable as long as you do not touch or rub up against any. The hydroids deliver a painful sting.

  • First aid: Rinse with vinegar. Remove foreign matter. Wash area with salt water.  Pain control if needed-hot water (113 F / 45 C) or use hot packs. Seek medical treatment if an infection occurs.
Stinging Hydroid (Aglaophenia cupressina). Also known as Sea Ferns, Fire Hydroid, Fireweed, Feather Hydroid, Stinging Seawee

Stinging Hydroid (Aglaophenia cupressina) © Shawn Miller

An injury caused by fireweed. This photograph was taken three weeks after the painful sting.

Hydroid sting © Mark Kane

Hydroid sting © Mark Kane

Sea snakes will not harm you unless provoked. I have never heard of any divers being bitten in Okinawa. Rare cases have occurred with fisherman removing their catch from nets, and they were bitten on the hand.

  • First aid: Wash the area with soap and fresh water. Apply pressure and limit your movement.  Immediate medical treatment. Monitor ABC’s

Turtle head sea snake (Emydocephalus ijimae)

Turtle head sea snake (Emydocephalus ijimae) © Shawn Miller



Blue banded sea snake (Laticauda colubrina) © Shawn Miller

The Leaf Scorpionfish is a venomous fish found on the reef. It resembles a leaf and blends in with debris very well. The spines deliver a painful sting.

  • First aid: Wash the area with soap and fresh water. Remove foreign material and control any bleeding. Soak the limb in hot water (113 F / 45 C) or use hot packs. Seek immediate medical treatment
Scorpion Leaf fish

Scorpion Leaf fish © Shawn Miller

The cockatoo wasp fish is a venomous fish found in shallow water. It resembles a leaf and blends in with debris very well. The spines deliver a painful sting.

  • First aid: Wash the area with soap and fresh water. Remove foreign material and control any bleeding. Soak the limb in hot water (113 F / 45 C) or use hot packs. Seek immediate medical treatment.
 Cockatoo waspfish (Ablabys taenianotus)

Cockatoo waspfish (Ablabys taenianotus) © Shawn Miller

The fire urchin is the most beautiful sea urchin found in Okinawa. Its beautiful colors attract divers to pick it up. The spines inject venom, which causes extreme pain and discomfort.

  • First aid: Remove visible spines. Wash with soap and water. Pain control if needed-hot water  (113 F / 45 C) or use hot packs. Seek medical treatment if spines have entered the joints.
Fire urchin (Asthenosoma ijimai)

Fire urchin (Asthenosoma ijimai) © Shawn Miller


Porcupine sea urchin (Platybrissus roemeri)

Porcupine fire sea urchin (Platybrissus roemeri) © Shawn Miller

The flower urchin is the most venomous sea urchin found in the world. It is a collector urchin, often using rocks or dead coral to cover itself.

  • First aid: Remove foreign matter. Wash with soap and water. Pain control if needed-hot water (113 F / 45 C) or use hot packs. Seek medical treatment
Flower urchin (Toxopneustes pileolus)

Flower urchin (Toxopneustes pileolus) © Shawn Miller

The pedicellariae inject venom, not the spines. It’s excruciating and irritating.

Flower urchin

Flower urchin (Toxopneustes pileolus) © Shawn Miller

” Ball of spines”  The burrowing urchin is an abundant echinoderm found here. Most injuries occur reef walking without proper foot protection. The sharp spines are painful and irritate the skin.

Burrowing sea urchin (Echinometra mathaei)

Burrowing sea urchin (Echinometra mathaei) © Shawn Miller

The bristle worm is also known as the fireworm. It delivers a powerful sting when threatened. The bristle-like spines inject venom, which causes extreme pain and discomfort.

  • First aid: Remove bristles using tape. Wash with soap and fresh water. Seek medical treatment if needed. Monitor signs of infection
Bristle worm (Chloeis sp)

Bristle worm (Chloeis sp) © Shawn Miller


Common fire-worm (Eurythoe complanata)

Common fire-worm (Eurythoe complanata) © Shawn Miller

The eel tail catfish is a venomous saltwater fish found in shallow water. They usually travel in large numbers at night. The spines deliver a painful sting.

  • First aid: Wash the area with soap and fresh water. Remove foreign material and control any bleeding. Soak the limb in hot water (113 F / 45 C) or use hot packs. Seek immediate medical treatment.
Eeltail catfis  (Plotosus japonicus )

Eeltail catfish (Plotosus japonicus ) © Shawn Miller

Sea anemones deliver a painful sting with venomous tentacles.  Below is a photograph of the vicious predator Dofleinia armata. I had these anemones in my aquarium for three years.  I have seen them feeding on lionfish, scorpion fish, and venomous cone snails.

  • First aid: Rinse with vinegar. Remove tentacles with tweezers—Wash the area with salt water.  Pain control if needed-hot water (113 F / 45 C) or use hot packs. Seek medical treatment if infection occurs.
Sea anenome (Dofleinia armata)

Sea anenome (Dofleinia armata) © Shawn Miller


Branching anemone

Branching anemone – Motobu, Okinawa © Shawn Miller

Branching anemones are found living in the sand. They deliver a nasty sting! I have personally experienced its painful sting.

Branching Anemone

Branching Anemone © Shawn Miller

The false stonefish ( Scorpaenopsis diabolus) is another master of camouflage. The spines deliver a painful sting with potent venom injected into the body. These fish usually warn you of their presence by flaring out their fins and spines.

  • First aid: Wash the area with soap and fresh water. Remove foreign material and control any bleeding. Soak the limb in hot water (113 F / 45 C) or use hot packs. Seek immediate medical treatment.
False stone fish

False stonefish © Shawn Miller

Stingrays are found in sandy areas near coral reefs. They have a serrated barb located at the base of the tail.  Keep your distance to avoid any injuries!

  • First aid: Wash the area with soap and fresh water. Control the bleeding. If the barb is lodged in the body, do not remove it. Soak the limb in hot water (113 F / 45 C) or use hot packs. Seek immediate medical treatment! May require surgery to remove the barb.
Bluespotted stingray (Neotrygon kuhlii)

Bluespotted stingray (Neotrygon kuhlii) © Shawn Miller

Spiny Devilfish ( Inimicus didactylus ) is a shallow water sand dweller. The spines deliver a painful sting with potent venom injected into the body. These fish usually warn you of their presence by flaring out their fins and spines.

  • First aid: Wash the area with soap and fresh water. Remove foreign material and control any bleeding. Soak the limb in hot water (113 F / 45 C) or use hot packs. Seek immediate medical treatment.
Spiny Devilfish

Spiny Devilfish © Shawn Miller

The titan triggerfish is the most aggressive fish I have encountered. It is territorial and will guard its nest aggressively. Attacks can be severe, leaving wounds requiring stitches.  On several occasions, I pointed a dive light in their direction, and it scared them off. They do not like the directional light for some reason.

  • First aid: Control the bleeding and seek medical treatment. Monitor for signs of infection
Balistoides viridescens, Titan triggerfish

Balistoides viridescens, Titan triggerfish © Shawn Miller


The bite of a titan trigger fish

Titan trigger fish bite – Photo by Daisuke Uruchida

The black-spot triggerfish have threatened me on many occasions. It is smaller than the titan triggerfish but more aggressive. They usually will bite at the fins first.

Blackspot triggerfish

Blackspot triggerfish © Shawn Miller

Barnacles do not bite, but they sure are sharp! These barnacles have cut me on a few occasions. The tides can drop significantly, leaving rocks and barnacles exposed. Injury can be avoided by simply wearing exposure protection.

  • First aid: Wash the area with soap and fresh water. Remove foreign material and control any bleeding. Monitor for signs of infection.
Barnacles © Shawn Miller

Barnacles © Shawn Miller

The needlefish is a very dangerous fish found in shallow water. They have narrow beaks with razor-sharp teeth used to catch prey. These needle-shaped fish can swim fast and jump out of the water.  There have been cases of swimmers getting injured from impalement.  Avoid shining your dive light on the surface of the water (where the water surface and air meet) during the night for an extended period.

  • First aid: Control the bleeding; if the fish is lodged in the body, leave it and seek medical treatment. Monitor for signs of infection

Needle-fish © Shawn Miller


Needle-fish- Sharp teeth

Needle-fish- Sharp teeth © Shawn Miller

The coral rabbitfish is a sought-after fish in Okinawa. Fishermen and free divers often get injured handling this venomous fish. The spines deliver a painful sting.

  • First aid: Wash the area with soap and fresh water. Remove foreign material and control any bleeding. Soak the limb in hot water (113 F / 45 C) or use hot packs. Seek immediate medical treatment.
     Coral Rabbitfish spines © Shawn Mille

Coral Rabbitfish spines © Shawn Mille


Coral Rabbitfish (Siganus corallines)

Coral Rabbitfish (Siganus corallines) © Shawn Miller

Another popular fish with the Okinawan fisherman is the Surgeonfish. The Orange spine unicorn has a razor-sharp fin used for defense. Avoid handling this fish by the tail.

Dangerous surgeon fish

Dangerous surgeonfish © Shawn Miller

The Box Jellyfish is the most dangerous jellyfish found in the ocean. It delivers an unbearable sting with its venomous tentacles. These stings require immediate treatment and can be life-threatening.

  • First aid: Rinse with vinegar. Remove tentacles with tweezers—Wash the area with salt water. Pain control if needed-hot water (113 F / 45 C) or use hot packs. Seek medical treatment immediately.
Box Jellyfish -Habukurage

Box Jellyfish -Habukurage © Shawn Miller


Box Jellyfish ( Chironex yamaguchii ) under blue light

Box Jellyfish ( Chironex yamaguchii ) under blue light © Shawn Miller

The man of war ( AKA Blue bottle jellyfish) is commonly seen during winter. I often find them washed ashore on local beaches.  The tentacles deliver a painful sting.  

  • First aid: Remove tentacles with tweezers—Wash the area with salt water. Pain control if needed-hot water (113 F / 45 C) or use hot packs. If symptoms get worse, Seek medical treatment.

Blue bottle



To Document and Preserve the Wildlife of the Ryukyu Islands

This site is also designed to help people identify the beautiful animals of Okinawa, basically to serve as an online nature reference guide. Please click on the donation link below if you would like to contribute to support my mission.

Your donations will help worldwide conservation initiatives and bring solutions to the pollution issues on our beautiful shorelines.  Thank you for your support. Shawn M Miller.

Slow Down! – Let’s Protect The Okinawa Rail

The Okinawa rail is a flightless bird found in northern Okinawa. It is a protected species and declared a living natural treasure. It is currently listed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as an endangered species.  In 2012 populations of this endemic bird were estimated at 1500 by the Environment Ministry.  As of October 2016 populations have declined to 480 mature individuals according to IUCN assessment.

Scientific name Hypotaenidia okinawae

Common Name: Okinawa Rail

Distribution:  Northern Okinawa

Habitat: Forests

Diet:  Small insects, worms, snails and fruit. 

Average Size:  31cm 

Threats: Habitat loss and the threat of Jungle crows and mongoose.

okinawa rail

The Okinawan rail © Shawn Miller

The rail is often found feeding on the side of the road. It feeds on worms, snails, and insects.

Okinawa rail posing ( Hypotaenidia okinawae)

Okinawa rail posing ( Hypotaenidia okinawae) © Shawn Miller

When defending its territory, the rail will become aggressive and flare its wings.

Angry Bird- Okinawa rail

Angry Bird- Okinawa rail © Shawn Miller

If you are lucky you can catch the Okinawa rail feeding on the fruit of the cherry tree.

Okinawa rail feeding ( Hypotaenidia okinawae)

Okinawa rail feeding ( Hypotaenidia okinawae) © Shawn Miller

They roost high above the ground to avoid predators like the habu snake.

Okinawa rail roosting ( Hypotaenidia okinawae)

Okinawa rail roosting ( Hypotaenidia okinawae) © Shawn Miller

In 2014 I stumbled upon Scientists handling an adult Okinawa rail in the wild.

flightless birds of Japan

Okinawa rail © Shawn Miller

Awareness signs are posted along the main roads in northern Okinawa for their protection. I think they should also include speed bumps in the designated crossing areas for the rails.

Okinawa rail awareness signs are posted

Okinawa rail awareness signs © Shawn Miller

The speed limit is only 40km/h so watch your speed for the protection of the wildlife. The rails are often seen feeding on the side of the road.

40km/h speed sign

Posted speed limit is 40km/h © Shawn Miller

I have observed these birds crossing the road on many occasions. They have no problems crossing when people are driving the speed limit. Speeding decreases your reaction time,  slow down and pay attention to all crossing wildlife.

Okinawa rail crossing the road

Okinawa rail crossing the road© Shawn Miller

An Okinawa rail that was killed by a speeding motor vehicle on Route 2 in northern Okinawa.

okinawa rail - road kill

Okinawa rail – road kill © Shawn Miller

What to do if you find an injured rail.

People often ask me what is the purpose of conservation photography? Having the ability to affect some form of positive change in the environment and make a global difference with the photographs. Hopefully, the images will inspire people to care more about nature and make a positive difference in the environment. 

 My Mission: To Document and Preserve the Wildlife of the Ryukyu Islands

This site is also designed to help people identify the beautiful animals of Okinawa, basically  to serve as an online nature reference guide. If you would like to make a contribution to support my mission, please click on the donation link 

Your donations will help worldwide conservation initiatives as well as bring solutions to the worldwide pollution issues on our beautiful shorelines.  Thank you for your support.  Shawn M Miller.

Light & Motion – The ultimate flashlight for wildlife photographers.

I have been using the Light & Motion Sola underwater lights for over two years now. I take them on all my adventures to include scuba diving, river trekking, caving and nature photography trips. These lights provide constant beautiful lighting and are extremely reliable, which is why they are the perfect light for me.

I recently purchased the Light & Motion Sola compact tray with the extension kit and one GoBe 700 wide light. I have been using this setup with the Canon 70D to document the wildlife in Okinawa. The flexible Loc-line arms are an awesome advantage. They are easy to move while having full control over the constant lighting.   

Using the Light & Motion field setup

Light & Motion field setup                         Photograph courtesy of Ross Gallardy

A photograph of a Ryukyu kajika frog in northern Okinawa using the Light & Motion field setup

okinawa frog

Ryukyu Kajika frog ( Buergeria japonica )

The Light & Motion Sola 600 has a built in feature most people do not take advantage of. The light has a red light function which allows the user to get close to land and marine subjects without disturbing them. This red light is very effective and I highly recommend using it.

Underwater setup with sola 600

My underwater rig with the Light & Motion Sola 600  – Ikelite housing and strobes

The Light & Motion Nightsea Sola light can also be used on land. I am always searching for animals that fluoresce in the Yanbaru forest in northern Okinawa. You never know what you will find!

Light & Motion Sola Nightsea Blue light - Riukiaria falcifera

Light & Motion Sola Nightsea Blue light    Millipede – Riukiaria falcifera

If you would like to know more about the Light & Motion Sola series visit.  https://www.lightandmotion.com/choose-your-light/sola

Have a great day!

Fluoro-diving in Okinawa, Japan -Underwater Fluorescence by Shawn Miller

The Light & Motion Sola NightSea blue light will enhance your night diving experience like nothing before. It Is an underwater blue light that allows you to see fluorescence. The NightSea blue LEDs cause proteins and minerals to fluoresce brightly underwater. If you want to photograph fluorescence you will need a yellow barrier filter over your camera lens. The barrier filter will block the reflected excitation of light and transmit the fluorescence to deliver a psychedelic experience.


Underwater fluorescence by Shawn Miller

Below is a photograph of my underwater rig. This is the setup I use to capture the underwater fluorescence in Okinawa. I am currently using one Light & Motion Sola Nightsea and one GoBe nightsea blue light.

Dive Team Miller- Underwater rig

Dive Team Miller- Underwater rig © Shawn Miller

Below is a photograph of the Light & Motion Sola NightSea Underwater blue light photographed in the studio. I wanted to capture the blue light rays coming out of the light. No previous photos displayed this and I had to do it.

Sola NightSea underwater blue light

Light & Motion Sola NightSea underwater blue light © Shawn Miller

Some cases the fluorescence is so strong it can be photographed during the day without any specialized lights or filters. This red heart coral was photographed at a depth of Seventy-five feet.

Red Fluorescence -ambient light ,75feet

Red Fluorescence -ambient light, 75feet © Shawn Miller

In 2017, Some of my fluorescence enhancement photographs were published in Blue Planet 11.

Underwater fluorescence - Shawn Miller featured Blue planet 11

Underwater fluorescence – Shawn Miller featured Blue planet 11

Most of the marine life will fluoresce a beautiful green. I photographed this sea anemone in a submarine cave at Maeda Point, Okinawa.  (Nightdive)

Sea anemone (Dofleinia armata) Okinawa- Japan

Sea anemone (Dofleinia armata) Okinawa- Japan © Shawn Miller

Corals that fluoresce orange are much harder to find here in Okinawa. (Nightdive)

Lobophyllia hermprichii

Coral of the Ryukyu Islands – Lobophyllia hemprichii © Shawn Miller

Corals that fluoresce red are scarce in Okinawan waters. (Nightdive)

Bio fluorescense - Coral of Okinawa, Japan

Bio fluorescence – Coral of Okinawa, Japan© Shawn Miller

I decided to experiment using the nightsea and custom filters over my strobes to give it an original look. I call this technique fluoro blending.(Nightdive)

Anemone hermit crab (Dardanus pedunculatus)

Anemone hermit crab (Dardanus pedunculatus)© Shawn Miller

More fluoro blending using the nightsea and custom filters. (Nightdive)

Large mouth triplefin (Ucla xenogrammus) on coral

Large mouth triplefin (Ucla xenogrammus) on coral


I had this eel in my aquarium for a long time and had no idea it fluoresced until I exposed it to the Sola NightSea light.

eels that fluoresce in okinawa

Eels that fluoresce in Okinawa – Gymnothorox sp © Shawn Miller

The NightSea also provides a beautiful background color to complement the marine subject. This technique is becoming very popular in Japan.(Nightdive)

firefish with nightsea backlit ,okinawa

Fire fish ( Pterois antennata) Back lit with the Sola Nightsea © Shawn Miller

Glowing hydroids were recently discovered in 2015 by marine researchers in the Red Sea. I photographed these fluorescing hydroids in Okinawa-Japan.

Vexillum exasperatum with glowing hydroids

Vexillum exasperatum with glowing hydroids © Shawn Miller

Niotha albescens with glowing hydroids

Niotha albescens with glowing hydroids © Shawn Miller

If you would like to know more about the Light & Motion Sola series visit.  https://www.lightandmotion.com/choose-your-light/sola

All underwater images were photographed using an Ikelite underwater housing. Check out my previous post on why I use an Ikelite Underwater housing.

Have a Psychedelic day!


Facing extinction – Ishikawa’s Frog (Odorrana ishikawae)

Ishikawa’s frog (Odorrana ishikawae) is the most beautiful frog found in Japan. It is only found in northern Okinawa and currently on the endangered species list. It is one of the many endemic species facing extinction due to habitat loss. Ishikawa’s frog is a designated living national treasure of Okinawa.

  • Scientific name: Odorrana ishikawae
  • Distribution:  Northern Okinawa-Japan
  • Habitat:  Forest streams 
  • Diet:  Insects, worms, and millipedes
  • Average Size:  90mm -120mm

This is my favorite frog on Okinawa. I have only seen about a dozen in the last three years.

shikawa's Frog (Odorrana ishikawae) Yanbaru forest ,Okinawa

Ishikawa’s Frog (Odorrana ishikawae)  Night dwelling in the Yanbaru forest © Shawn Miller

Ishikawa's Frog (Odorrana ishikawae)

Ishikawa’s Frog (Odorrana ishikawae) © Shawn Miller

They live around mountain streams in the Yanbaru forest. They hide in cracks and crevices in the rocks making it hard to photograph them at times.

Ishikawa's Frog (Odorrana ishikawae) Yanbaru forest ,Okinawa

Adult Ishikawa’s Frog (Odorrana ishikawae)   ” out of the den ” © Shawn Miller

They are also masters of camouflage. The unique pattern helps them blend into the moss and leaves on the riverside.

ishikawa's Frog (Odorrana ishikawae) Yanbaru forest ,Okinawa

Ishikawa’s Frog (Odorrana ishikawae)  © Shawn Miller

Ishikawa's frog

Juvenile Ishikawa’s frog © Shawn Miller

The Ishikawa’s frog was featured in Amphibian Love – an artbook for the frogs.  Artist Leah Jay created this book to show the beauty and fascinating variety of amphibians, and bring attention the the Amphibian Extinction Crisis.


If you are lucky you might find a blue Ishikawa’s frog. The blue morph is absolutely beautiful.

Blue Ishikawa's Frog (Odorrana ishikawae) © Shawn Miller

Blue Ishikawa’s Frog (Odorrana ishikawae) © Shawn Miller

Blue Ishikawa's Frog (Odorrana ishikawae) © Shawn Miller

Blue Ishikawa’s Frog (Odorrana ishikawae) © Shawn Miller

Blue Ishikawa's  Frog (Odorrana ishikawae)

Blue Ishikawa’s Frog (Odorrana ishikawae) © Shawn Miller

A large blue and green morph.

Ishikawa frog blue morph

Ishikawa frog blue morph © Shawn Miller

Ishikawa's frog searching for a meal

Ishikawa’s frog searching for a meal © Shawn Miller

A juvenile Ishikawa’s frog searching for food.  (Wide angle perspective)

herpetologists dream come true - the find

herpetologists dream come true © Shawn Miller

Sometimes they can be seen crossing the road!

Ishikawa's Frog

Ishikawa’s Frog – Stella 2000 © Shawn Miller

Top view- Ishikawa's frog

Top view- Ishikawa’s frog © Shawn Miller

Be careful and pay close attention to crossing wildlife.

Ishikawas frog - Roadkill

Ishikawa’s frog – Roadkill © Shawn Miller

Ishikawa's Frog

Ishikawa’s Frog -Wide angle macro photography © Shawn Miller

People often ask me what is the purpose of conservation photography? Having the ability to affect some form of positive change in the environment and make a global difference with the photographs. Hopefully, the images will inspire people to care more about nature and make a positive difference in the environment.

 My Mission: To Document and Preserve the Wildlife of the Ryukyu Islands

This site is also designed to help people identify the beautiful animals of Okinawa, basically  to serve as an online nature reference guide. If you would like to make a contribution to support my mission, please click on the donation link  paypal.me/maketheswitch4nature

Your donations will help worldwide conservation initiatives as well as bring solutions to the worldwide pollution issues on our beautiful shorelines.  Thank you for your support.  Shawn M Miller.

Underwater Macro Photography with an Ikelite housing

I have always enjoyed shooting macro photography ever since I purchased my first camera. Underwater Macro photography is challenging due to currents, buoyancy control and back-scatter in the water. Below are a few underwater images photographed using the Canon 70D with a Canon EF 100 mm f/2.8 USM macro lens. The Camera and lens are enclosed in an Ikelite underwater housing. I am currently using one Ikelite DS-160 strobe along with one Ikelite DS-200 underwater.

Crowned Puffer (Canthigaster coronata) Okinawa, Japan

Crowned Puffer (Canthigaster coronata) Okinawa, Japan © Shawn Miller

Razor coral - Fungia sp ,Okinawa-Japan

Razor coral – Fungia sp ,Okinawa-Japan © Shawn Miller

Bio fluorescense underwater

Bio fluorescense underwater (Fungis scutaria) © Shawn Miller

Honeycomb coral (Diploastrea heliopora) Okinawa- Japan

Honeycomb coral (Diploastrea heliopora) © Shawn Miller

Crocea Clam (Tridacna Crocea) Okinawa-Japan

Crocea Clam (Tridacna Crocea) © Shawn Miller

Bubble Coral (Plerogyra sinuosa) Okinawa-Japan

Bubble Coral (Plerogyra sinuosa) © Shawn Miller

If you are living In Okinawa-Japan and would like to purchase any Ikelite product, I highly recommend Ikelite Military Sales. You can contact them directly on Facebook with the link below. I usually receive my orders within five to seven days. This is very fast shipping living overseas.
If you are having trouble with the initial set up of your underwater system and need assistance contact me.
Stay tuned for more underwater images with the Canon 70d.

Why I use an Ikelite Underwater Housing for the Canon EOS 70D Camera.


Ikelite Underwater Housing for Canon EOS 70D Camera

Ikelite Underwater Housing for Canon EOS 70D Camera

Ikelite housings are by far the most affordable and reliable DSLR underwater housings on the market. Ikelite has over forty five years experience with underwater housings and lighting systems. They produce the widest range of housing for Canon, Nikon, Sony and more. Ikelite Underwater Systems provide quick repair, fast shipping and outstanding customer service.

Benefits and features

  • Made in the USA
  • 200 feet (60m) Depth Rating
  • Access to all important camera functions
  • Made from Corrosion proof polycorbonate
  • No guessing on the o-ring seal with a transparent housing
  • TTL/auto and manual strobe exposure modes

Ikelite Underwater Housing for Canon EOS 70D Camera , Okinawa-Japan

Ikelite Underwater Housing  for Canon EOS 70D Camera  – Okinawa

If you are living In Okinawa-Japan and would like to purchase any Ikelite product, I highly recommend Ikelite Military Sales. You can contact them directly on Facebook with the link below. I usually receive my orders within five to seven days. This is very fast shipping living overseas.


If you are having trouble with the initial set up of your underwater system and need assistance contact me.

Stay tuned for underwater images with the Canon 70d.

Have a great day!







Diving and Jiving in Okinawa, Japan

Okinawa has some of the best diving in the world. The Ocean is filled with beautiful coral reefs and vast amounts of marine life only found here. The water is warm and the clarity is outstanding. If you ever get the chance to scuba dive in Okinawa, go for it and do not hesitate. Below are a few of my underwater photographs over the years. All the images were photographed on scuba in the beautiful waters of Okinawa-Japan.

This Lion-fish is one of the many venomous animals in the ocean.


Shortfin Lionfish (Dendrochirus brachypterus) with Lightning eyes. © Shawn Miller                     

Many different marine organisms fluorescence with the proper wavelengths of light.

Okinawa nature photography

Underwater Flourescence Photography -Razor coral © Shawn Miller

Light rays at Maeda point. this is the most popular diving spot in Okinawa

shawn miller photography

The light gleams through the clear waters of Okinawa. © Shawn Miller

This is one of the most popular fish to photograph underwater.

shawn miller -okinawa nature photography - ikelite housing

Baby Tomato Anemonefish – Amphiprion frenatus © Shawn Miller