We all can make a difference by reducing the amount of single-use items we use daily. Change can be difficult, but I challenge you to Make The Switch for Nature

The Earth Day 2023 theme is Invest In our planet. What will you do to make a difference on April 22nd? Below is my Earth Day Challenge
- Place twenty-three #mts4n shells in the coastal forest
- Pick up twenty-three pieces of beach trash
- Volunteer at a local elementary school
- Give two coastal forest conservation presentations
- Spread the word #taketrashnothomes
On June tenth, I will give an Okinawan wildlife presentation at Okuma beach resort. Please join the fun!

Hopefully, this post will inspire you to make a positive change for Earth Day 2023.
Support the #MTS4n Hermit Crab Conservation Project; check out my Patreon page. MakeTheSwitch4Nature

Learn more about making a difference, TEDx talk | Adapting to or Changing Environment by Shawn M Miller

Mission: To Document and Preserve the Wildlife of the Ryukyu Islands for future generations
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