Light painting is the artistic technique of moving a hand held-light source while taking a long exposure. The purpose is to illuminate the subject with constant lighting to create a powerful image. It takes a steady hand, patience, trial and error and imagination. Using a specialized blue light (nightsea) will allow you to capture fluorescence. The images will be enhanced with beautiful bright vibrant colors.
Most plants and animals fluoresce under blue light. Below are some of my favorite long-exposures photographed using the Nightsea and a Canon 70d. I also included some comparison photos under white light.
Beautiful cherry blossoms under blue light, Okinawa-Japan

Cherry blossom under blue light

Cherry blossom under blue light

Psychedelic cherry blossoms

Cherry blossom |white light
Sunflowers show some fluorescence under blue light, Okinawa-Japan

Sundflower under blue light

Sunflower under white light -zoom panning
The animal must not move in order to get a sharp image during a long-exposure.

Rhinoceros coconut beetle under blue light

Rhinoceros coconut beetle under white light

( Onomustus kanoi ) fluorescence photography

Cicada under blue light by Shawn Miller

Cicada under white light

The Rosy gypsy moth (Lymantria mathura) Under blue light

The Rosy gypsy moth (Lymantria mathura) Under white light –
More flowers painted with the Light & Motion Nightsea

Flowers under blue light

Flowers under blue light

Cactus under blue light

Mochi leaf flower under blue light

Flower under blue light
Light-painting with the Nightsea and Sola 600 red light

Light-painting Okinawa
Blue light comparison (450nm) with UV (385)

Blue comparison – 450nm vrs uv 385nm
Equipment used
- Light&Motion Sola Nightsea or Gobe blue light
- Modeling light Gobe 700 wide (white light) to lock in focus
- Camera with Manual capabilities and macro lens (Canon 70d *60macro)
- Manfrotto Tripod and remote
- Barrier filter (block the reflected blue light )
My above water camera setup for fluorescence

Fluorescence photography setup -Shawn Miller
The Light & Motion Nightsea Dive light.

Sola NightSea underwater blue light
My underwater setup for photographing fluorescence.

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I want to thank Light & Motion and Nightsea for all their continuous support over the years.