I am thrilled to be a speaker at this year’s Crab Con. This will be my third consecutive year presenting on the fascinating topic of hermit crabs.
I appreciate your support, Shawn.
It’s been a blast shooting with the Nikon D500 DSLR combined with the Nauticam Na-D500 housing. I am pleased with the superior quality and design of the entire system. My underwater rig is setup for shooting macro with two Sea & Sea YS-D2 strobes and a variety of Sola lights. I customized it slightly by mounting a Light & Motion Sola compact tray and loc-line arm kit to the bottom of the housing. This allows me to easily attach other Sola lights underwater based on my vision.
My favorite features of the Nauticam NA-500 Underwater housing
I tested the Nikon D500 system with the Nikon AF-S Micro NIKKOR 60mm f/2.8G ED lens and the Nikon AF-S DX Micro NIKKOR 40mm f/2.8G lens. Both are responsive and quality pieces of glass. The great news is that they 40mm is compatible in the NAU-18701 port as well.
Below are my favorite fourteen photographs taken with the D500 underwater in the beautiful waters of Okinawa.
If your planning on buying a Nauticam underwater housing online, I recommend Bluewater Photo, they are extremely knowledgable and have outstanding customer service.
I want to thank Black Fin Grouper, Light & Motion and Nightsea for all their continuous support over the years. Thank you!
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