Searching for Cephalopods by Shawn Miller

Lately, I have been getting out a lot more on night dives. The conditions have been great for Scuba diving and underwater macro photography.  Diving at night is exciting because you never know what you will find. My last dive I stumbled upon a few new brightly colored nudibranchs and an undescribed pygmy cephalopod known as the pharaoh cuttlefish.


Could this pygmy cuttlefish be an undescribed species or just a clever juvenile broadband cuttlefish resembling the sand?

  • Scientific name:  Sepia sp
  • Common Name: Pygmy or Pharaoh Cuttlefish
  • Found:  Kin bay, Okinawa
  • Habitat: Sand bottom @ night
  • Depth:  35feet 
  • Size:  17mm


DSC_2082 DSC_2093 DSC_2104DSC_2111More than likely this pygmy cuttlefish is Sepiella inermis.  The pharaoh cuttlefish is absolutely stunning. I found this large specimen sand-dwelling during a night dive.

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If you have never been night diving I highly encourage you to try it. If you want to learn more about Cephalopods of Okinawa, check out my post on the beautiful Blue-ringed octopus. 

 My Mission: To Document and Preserve the Wildlife of the Ryukyu Islands

This site is also designed to help people identify the beautiful animals of Okinawa, basically to serve as an online nature reference guide. If you would like to make a contribution to support my mission, please click on the donation link

Your donations will help conservation initiatives as well as bring solutions to the worldwide pollution issues on our beautiful shorelines.  Thank you for your support, Shawn M Miller.


Get Fa-Millerized with the Nature of the Ryukyu Islands  – – – –  SUBSCRIBE BELOW

Cowrie Shell Eating Octopuses of Okinawa

In 2010, a friend sent me some beautiful cowrie shells from Hawaii. I noticed that a few specimens had tiny pin holes between the teeth on the underside of the cowrie shell.  I asked him what caused this and he stated an octopus. So I decided to test this, I collected a small octopus and placed it in aquarium with no other marine life in the tank. 5518026347_afbd22a0ed_b(1) I placed only live cowrie shells in the tank to see if this octopus would eat the mollusks.  I was completely surprised to find out that he was 100% correct. IMG_7293 IMG_7227The tiny drill holes are difficult to see without a magnifying glass. IMG_7232 Strangely, two of the cowrie shells had a drill hole on the top and another on the bottom side. The other eight specimens only had one drill hole on the bottom side. Is it possible that the octopus learned a new behavior?  Did it it figure out the most efficient way after the two previous attempts? FotoJetAll octopuses have a two-part beak used to immobilize and feed on their prey. The beak looks fragile but it one of the toughest and most durable substances made by marine animals.
Cephalopod Beak

Cephalopod Beak

My curiosity led me to the questions below Why does the octopus have to drill a hole when there is already a large aperture to feed from?  Does the octopus use venom to paralyze the mollusk inside the shell after it drills the hole? If so, does the venom narcotize the mollusk which could allow the octopus to suck out the animal from the shell aperture like a shotgunning effect? IMG_7296 Have you ever wondered how the Okinawans catch small octopuses?  Below is a colorful handmade lure made from cone shells and beads.  I found it years ago at Awase flats. IMG_7288 My Mission: To Protect and Preserve the Wildlife of the Ryukyu Islands for Future Generations

If you would like to help me make a difference Please check out my Patreon Site

Your donations will help conservation initiatives as well as bring solutions to the worldwide pollution issues on our beautiful shorelines.  Thank you for your support, Shawn M Miller.


Get Fa-Millerized with the Nature of the Ryukyu Islands  – – – –  SUBSCRIBE BELOW

Light bulbs, Plastic Bottles and Hermit Crabs

One of my favorite things to do on the weekends is to go beach walking.  Over the years I have seen a significant increase in the amount of marine debris washed ashore.  The trash is from all over the world, but majority of it washes up from Korea, China and Japan.


The trash is overwhelming on our shorelines and will take a very long time to clean up. Its absolutely necessary that we work together to fix this worldwide issue.

When I look at the photograph below, I see the potential monetary value in these single use products. I think the only way to combat the problem is to reduce the use and to make the debris worth picking up by giving it a cash value. One solution for the plastic bottle problem would be to create a worldwide deposit-refund system. For example, If people were paid 5-10 cents per plastic bottle collected I guarantee our beaches and forest dumping grounds would be cleaner.


Light bulbs are another form of debris that wash ashore. The light bulbs are transparent and blend in well with the surrounding beach litter. I have accidental stepped on light bulbs while beach combing after typhoons. It is important to wear protective footwear on majority of the beaches surrounding the Ryukyu Islands.


Try and find the broken light bulb below, this is a common site on local beaches.



Meet Edison,  A resourceful blueberry hermit crab (Coenobita purpureus ) found naturally using a incandescent light bulb screw end as a protective home. I usually find hermit crabs adapting with plastic tops and twist top caps. This was my first encounter with a hermit crab using a light bulb screw end as a mobile home.


The hermit crab is one of the few animals that can successfully adapt with our waste. If you would like to learn more about hermit crabs adapting with our waste please check out my post on “Crabs With Beach Trash Homes” by Shawn M Miller.


This post is not to make people sad, guilty or lose hope, It is to bring awareness to the ongoing trash problem in our oceans and on our shorelines. We all have the ability to make a difference by reducing the amount of single-use items we use daily.


Learn more about making a difference, TEDx talk | Adapting to or Changing Environment by Shawn M Miller

My Mission: To Protect and Preserve the Wildlife of the Ryukyu Islands for Future Generations. – If you would like to join my journey, check out my Patreon

Your donations will help worldwide conservation initiatives as well as bringing solutions to the worldwide pollution issues on our beautiful shorelines.  Thank you for your support. Shawn M Miller.

Parasitic slugs of Okinawa

Gymnodoris nigricolor Is a tiny nudibranch that attaches to the fins of gobies. It is found in the winter months and then it seems to completely disappear when the water warms up. This nudibranch is by far the hardest to photograph because of its size and it stays attached to it’s host. When the goby feels threatened, it retreats into its burrow taking the tiny slug down the hole with it.

In order to photograph sand-dwelling gobies you will generally need a 50mm-100mm macro lens.

IMG_0512Be patience and move slowly. If your lucky the goby will accept your presence without retreating.

IMG_0540February 2018, I was fortunate to find Gymnodoris nigricolor crawling on the sand in search of a host

IMG_0412When the slug finds a host it will attach onto the closest fin.

IMG_0423Look close and you can see the buccal apparatus of the slug clamping down.

27429475356_4380fdabcb_bOnce its locked down, the goby cannot shake the slug off.

14474545362_6904d1dc25_b(1) No one really knows what happens next. Why does the nudibranch attach to the fins of its host Does this specialist feed on only the fins of gobies or is there another reason


If you would like see stunning photographs of more sea slugs check out my post on nudibranchs

My Mission: To Document and Preserve the Wildlife of the Ryukyu Islands

This site is also designed to help people identify the beautiful animals of Okinawa, basically to serve as an online nature reference guide. If you would like to make a contribution to support my mission, please click on the donation link

Your donations will help conservation initiatives as well as bring solutions to the worldwide pollution issues on our beautiful shorelines.  Thank you for your support, Shawn M Miller.


The Fishing Spiders of the Yanbaru forest By Shawn Miller

The Okinawan fishing spider (Dolomedes orion) is one of the most unique spiders we have on the Island of Okinawa.


My fishing hole

Most fishing spiders are ambush predators. They have the ability to catch prey on the land, on the surface of the water and even underwater. Fishing spiders use vibrations to attract insects like water striders. The spiders vibrations simulate a helpless insect floating on the surface of the water.


Dolomedes sp, Iriomote Island

I have seen amazing photographs of these fishing spiders eating frogs. I personally have observed Dolomedes orion eating insects only.


Dolomedes orion hunting

The beautiful color contrast allows them to blend in with their surrounding environment to avoid being seen.


Dolomedes orion feeding

It is thought that the white reflective leg sections are used to lure in prey when hunting during the daytime, but do they serve a purpose at night?


MYN Technique

Look close, the female fishing spider handles her egg sack with extreme care.


Female protecting her egg sack

Meet Spi-Zilla, This is an average healthy specimen found in the Yanbaru forest.



Huge spiders on Okinawa

I used my iPhone to compare the size of this huge spider, I kept my distance for sure.


Iphone comparison, Thanks R Shobe


Please be respectful to the wildlife. If they show any signs of stress or aggression give them their space and move on. Learn more about the Huntsmen spiders of Okinawa

 My Mission: To Document and Preserve the Wildlife of the Ryukyu Islands

This site is also designed to help people identify the beautiful animals of Okinawa, basically  to serve as an online nature reference guide. If you would like to make a contribution to support my mission, please click on the donation link

Your donations will help worldwide conservation initiatives as well as bring solutions to the worldwide pollution issues on our beautiful shorelines.  Thank you for your support.  Shawn M Miller.


The Power of the Sunflower by Shawn Miller

Have you ever seen an unhappy person at a Sunflower festival?


Sunflower Festival, Kitanakagusuku Village

The Sunflower is a powerful plant that brings joy and happiness to all. Flowers are a source of Nature Therapy, sometimes just looking at them relieves stress and anxiety. Every year I visit these beautiful fields on Okinawa with friends and family. I strive to create a unique piece of art with my camera. Please enjoy some of my favorite photographs composed over the years.


Himawari Matsuri


Sunflower fluorescence photography


Ryukyu Sunflower Art

I have also photographed corals that resemble sunflowers. One of the most beautify animals underwater is sunflower coral (Tubastraea cocinea). It is generally found in shallow water under reef ledges at most dive locations on Okinawa. 


sunflower coral simplicity


Composed flower coral

Hopefully this post will brighten up your day!


Brighten up your day!

Have a wonderful day!

If you didn’t have the chance to view the Cherry Blossom Festival last year,  check this out!

Get Fa-Millerized with the Nature of the Ryukyu Islands  – – – –  SUBSCRIBE BELOW


The lonely hermit crab adapting with a lug-nut cover by Shawn Miller

This week I went out camping with some friends on Miyagi Island. While searching for fire wood I stumbled upon a blueberry hermit crab (Coenobita purpureus) adapting with a metal lug-nut cover. I have previously found many hermit crabs adapting with other man-made items such as pet bottle caps, glass bottles, light bulb ends, laundry detergent caps and various scoops. I was pretty excited about this and had to show off the interesting find to my friends.

IMG_2671The blueberry hermit crab is temporarily making due with the available lug-nut cover. It will eventually switch to a shell when it finds an appropriate size. If you would like to learn more about this adaptive behavior please check out my post on “Crabs with Beach trash homes

* All Coenobita species on Okinawa are recognized as a living natural monument of Japan.

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I also photographed the hermit crab on white for the Meet Your Neighbours Project. The technique eliminates distracting elements out of the background and shows the true beauty of the animal. The images are used for conservation awareness and educational purposes.

IMG_6318Later I offered lug nut a Turbo seashell and within five minutes he switched over to his new home.


Okinawa hermit crab

We were fortunate to have beautiful weather. Don’t forget to get out for some Nature Therapy! We all need a break from our busy lifestyles.


My Mission: To document and preserve the wildlife of the Ryukyu Islands

This site is also designed to help people identify the beautiful animals of Okinawa, basically  to serve as an online nature reference guide. If you would like to make a contribution to support my mission, please click on the donation link below.

Your donations will help worldwide conservation initiatives as well as bring solutions to the worldwide pollution issues on our beautiful shorelines.  Thank you for your support. Shawn M Miller.


Custom Art Work by Shawn Miller

Growing up I attended basic art classes in elementary and high school. I was never really good or excelled in art, mainly because I couldn’t draw very well. From what I remember the two classes that I attended mainly focused on drawing and painting.  I do remember spending many hours doodling on paper during class when I was bored.

In the mid-90s I became fascinated with shell art, guitars, and music. I first tried carving with a Dremel tool, this is when my daydream doodling finally paid off. I spent a total of eight to twelve hours carving these beautiful Turbo shells.


10485163225_3b5291ec1b_b(1)Next, I decided to experiment with woodburning and inlaying mother of pearl into a guitar body. This was my first attempt at customizing a Fender Stratocaster guitar.  I had little guidance and improvised with what I had available.


My second guitar inlay attempt was much better than the first.  I read Pearl Inlay by James Patterson and The Art of Inlay by Larry Robinson.  My custom inlay work is basic and simple in comparison to the amazing work they offer. It took me a year to finally complete this project.



Growing up I never really had an interest in learning music. It wasn’t until 1995 that the interest sparked. My good friend Rob Marsh taught me the basic fundamentals of rhythm guitar. I remember playing repetitive rhythm progressions for hours. It was a great time and I met so many amazing people. We had many spontaneous jam sessions in our basement with local musicians. We eventually had a band named Ralph and the Machioes.  In 2003 we had a reunion jam ” The Return Of The Shellman.”


In seventh-grade woodshop, I remember making my first clock out of pine wood. In 2000, I found a unique piece of wood in the scrap pile at the wood shop and decided to do something original.  I carved it using a basic Dremel tool and later customized it with some inlay work.
IMG_2544This once was a Miller lite clock. It was going to be thrown away in the trash. I kept the clock and customized it with beautiful shells and beach sand.

Please check out my mentors work at Marshwood Guitars. Rob Marsh makes some of the best hand-crafted custom guitars.

I challenge you to make some beautiful art and share it with the world, Have a great day.

Blue Streaks of Light by Shawn Miller

The Common Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis) is one of the most beautiful birds of the Ryukyu Islands. They are a common species found near freshwater sources. I have observed these tiny birds four hours at a time. I know a few local nature photographers that have dedicated their lives to documenting the behavior of this beautiful bird.

  • Scientific name: Alcedo atthis
  • Common Name: Common Kingfisher
  • Distribution:  Worldwide
  • Habitat: Forests near rivers and ponds
  • Diet:  Fish and prawn
  • Average Size:  16cm

IMG_8962The Common Kingfisher spends most of the day patiently waiting on tree branches above the water.

IMG_6511They watch from above and pick out the perfect sized fish.


They dive bomb with very little warning. Below is the sequence of the catch.




IMG_8652After the feast, the Kingfisher preens itself.

Look close and you can see the process of the Kingfisher casting a pellet. They can’t digest the exoskeleton of prawn and fish scales. They regurgitate the waste in a pellet form.



IMG_2176I challenge you to get outdoors for some Nature Therapy.

People often ask me what is the purpose of conservation photography? Having the ability to affect some form of positive change in the environment and make a global difference with the photographs. Hopefully, the images will inspire people to care more about nature and make a positive difference in the environment. 

If you would like to use any of my photographs, please contact me directly. Have a great day!

Deadliest Marine Fish of the Ryukyu Islands by Shawn Miller

The reef stonefish is the most venomous fish found on Okinawa. The stonefish resembles an encrusted rock and sometimes has algae growing from its skin. The reef stonefish is an ambush predator and spends its day patiently waiting for a fish to pass by. The stonefish is not aggressive at all. It is extremely dangerous because it doesn’t show any flashy warning signs. The spines deliver an extremely painful sting with strong venom injected into the body.

Reef, rock, sponge or fish?


Reef stonefish ( synanceia verrucosa ) Sunabe, Okinawa

If you spend any time exploring the ocean, I encourage you to look at these images and get familiar with these deadly facial features.

37059972063_6a80c038b1_oThe reef stonefish will also bury itself in the sand. Does that make it a sand stonefish?


The false stonefish is much smaller and is usually found in shallow water. Its a master of concealing itself from visual detection.

43841230074_9a32ff9591_oThe false stonefish is more active than the reef stonefish. It generally gives predators a warning sign by displaying its brightly colored pectoral fins.

False stone fish

Most of the false stonefish and scorpionfish will fluoresce beautifully under blue light.

 Ways to avoid injury

    • Be respectful and avoid harassing, touching and feeding marine life


    • Maintain good buoyancy control


  • Wear exposure protection- felt bottom booties

People often ask me what is the purpose of conservation photography? Having the ability to affect some form of positive change in the environment and make a global difference with the photographs. Hopefully, the images will inspire people to care more about nature and make a positive difference in the environment. 

If you would like to use any of my photographs, please contact me directly.

Have a great day!