Deadliest Marine Fish of the Ryukyu Islands by Shawn Miller

The reef stonefish is the most venomous fish found on Okinawa. The stonefish resembles an encrusted rock and sometimes has algae growing from its skin. The reef stonefish is an ambush predator and spends its day patiently waiting for a fish to pass by. The stonefish is not aggressive at all. It is extremely dangerous because it doesn’t show any flashy warning signs. The spines deliver an extremely painful sting with strong venom injected into the body.

Reef, rock, sponge or fish?


Reef stonefish ( synanceia verrucosa ) Sunabe, Okinawa

If you spend any time exploring the ocean, I encourage you to look at these images and get familiar with these deadly facial features.

37059972063_6a80c038b1_oThe reef stonefish will also bury itself in the sand. Does that make it a sand stonefish?


The false stonefish is much smaller and is usually found in shallow water. Its a master of concealing itself from visual detection.

43841230074_9a32ff9591_oThe false stonefish is more active than the reef stonefish. It generally gives predators a warning sign by displaying its brightly colored pectoral fins.

False stone fish

Most of the false stonefish and scorpionfish will fluoresce beautifully under blue light.

 Ways to avoid injury

    • Be respectful and avoid harassing, touching and feeding marine life


    • Maintain good buoyancy control


  • Wear exposure protection- felt bottom booties

People often ask me what is the purpose of conservation photography? Having the ability to affect some form of positive change in the environment and make a global difference with the photographs. Hopefully, the images will inspire people to care more about nature and make a positive difference in the environment. 

If you would like to use any of my photographs, please contact me directly.

Have a great day!