Conch shells are locally collected for food on Okinawa. The shells are used for shell craft and jewelry. The Chiragra spider conch (Harpago chiragra) is considered a good luck charm. It is known to bring good fortune, worn of evil spirits, and provide protection against fire. The Okinawans place the Chiragra spider conch on the outside of houses and buildings.

Below are some of my favorite conch shells found in Okinawa.
Euprotomus bulla Euprotomus aurisdianae Euprotomus vomer Lentigo pipus Lentigo lentiginosus Sinustrombus sinuatus Lambis lambis Thersistrombus thersites

The beautiful conch shells are commonly confused with the hazardous cone shells. The main difference is that conch shells have a stromboid notch. A small side slit or indentation which allows the animal to see while moving. The conch shells movement is much different as well, they travel using a jumping style movement instead of a steady crawling motion.

My daughter and I found this mutated strawberry conch shell in 2018. This is the first four-eyed conch shell I have seen. They naturally have two eyes, not four.
My Mission: To Document and Preserve the Wildlife of the Ryukyu Islands
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